Karina’s debut crime novel Where The Truth Lies has been shortlisted for a record five awards. Despite it being her first attempt at writing a novel, Karina has had more than 3 million words published in articles for newspapers, magazines and news websites around the world – equivalent to more than 30 novels! She has also written three non-fiction books.
Karina lives in St Kilda but is of Maori heritage, Ngai Tahu tribe.
Karina is also a former newspaper Books Section Editor and reviewer long standing book reviewer. Since 2021 she has been chair of the Australian Crime Writers Association.
Until recently Karina has been a career finance journalist and has covered almost every major financial event and scandal since the 1987 global share market crash.
She has a passion for consumer rights and social justice and is a strong financial rights advocate.
She is writing a second novel.